Currency Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating what is happening on the market right now and might happen in the future on the basis of external events and factors. For the currency market, such factors are news, economic and financial statistics, meetings of global Central banks, and speeches delivered by their representatives. Fundamental approach allows to analyze both short- and long-term perspectives.


The ECB didn’t change the rate and the Euro didn’t change direction. Overview for 17.07.2020

Yesterday, market players were waiting for more decisive actions from the European Central Bank to help Europe to recover from crisis.

The Aussie updated another low. Overview for 19.03.2020

AUDUSD is falling towards its all-time lows after the RBA’s decision to cut the rate again.

The Pound dropped to its six-month lows. Overview for 18.03.2020

GBPUSD is updating its six-month lows while investors are trying to escape from risks.

The Euro is looking down again. Overview for 18.03.2020

On Wednesday afternoon, the major currency pair dropped to its three-week lows.

The Yen remains flexible. Overview for 17.03.2020

USDJPY is growing on Tuesday morning; however, investors’ demand in the Yen as a “safe haven” asset is still here.

The Euro continues its slow recovery. Overview for 17.03.2020

The major currency pair is “gaining a bit weight” on Tuesday morning amid another financial meltdown.

The USD managed to keep balance after the Fed’s attack. Overview for 16.03.2020

The major currency pair is rising a little bit on Monday morning after the Fed’s decision to cut the rate down to zero.

The Euro is considering the ECB’s decisions. Overview for 13.03.2020

On Friday, the major currency pair is recovering after the March meeting of the European regulator and its decision to expand QE.