Currency Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating what is happening on the market right now and might happen in the future on the basis of external events and factors. For the currency market, such factors are news, economic and financial statistics, meetings of global Central banks, and speeches delivered by their representatives. Fundamental approach allows to analyze both short- and long-term perspectives.


The Euro is ready to consolidate. Overview for 28.07.2020

After updating another two-year high, the major currency pair started consolidating.

The Euro updated its highs. Overview for 27.07.2020

The major currency pair is starting the final week of July by updating its highs.

The Australian Dollar is heading downwards. Overview for 24.07.2020

AUDUSD has been falling for the second trading session in a row despite stable statistics.

Strength is in the Euro. Overview for 23.07.2020

After updating the high of October 16th, 2018 yesterday, the major currency pair intends to keep its positive momentum.

The Euro updated its 18-month highs. Overview for 22.07.2020

The major currency pair has reached the high of January 13th, 2019 and is still moving upwards.

The Euro is not going to stop. Overview for 21.07.2020

On Tuesday afternoon, the major currency pair is barely moving but investors are not ready to sell.

The Yen continues retreating. Overview for 21.07.2020

USDJPY is rising on Tuesday; market players maintain their attitude to risks and do not require “safe haven” assets.

The Euro wants to keep going. Overview for 20.07.2020

On Monday, EURUSD is staying positive and wants to keep going.