Invest into ETFs on soft commodities: cocoa, coffee, corn, wheat, sugar, soybean, and fruit.
You can start investing with only 100 USD on your account.
Invest in soft commodities with the credit line up to 1:20.
CAFE, CORN, SGAR, SOYB, and other ETFs on soft commodities.
Invest through the innovative generation R StocksTrader.
Investments into ETFs on soft commodities are available through R StocksTrader, a new generation platform with high-functional charts and online quotes.
Soft commodities are very popular among investors and include different types of agricultural products, such as cocoa, coffee, corn, wheat, or soybean. Core market indicators depend on investment tendencies, reports on crops, auction sales, international economic news, and even news relating to the weather.
Investments into soft commodities are very well suitable for the investors, who are looking for efficient instruments to diversify their investment portfolios. Such types of agricultural products as coffee, wheat, sugar, or cotton are very popular in investing for thousands of years, and they are still in great demand these days. RM Investment Bank offers more than 100 ETFs on different soft commodities, including the ones that were mentioned above.