Currency Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating what is happening on the market right now and might happen in the future on the basis of external events and factors. For the currency market, such factors are news, economic and financial statistics, meetings of global Central banks, and speeches delivered by their representatives. Fundamental approach allows to analyze both short- and long-term perspectives.


New lows in EURUSD. Overview for 12.05.2022

EURUSD hit another multi-month bottom while investors are trying to escape risks.

GBP: lows are too close. Overview for 11.05.2022

GBPUSD remains under bearish pressure; the Brexit issue doesn’t make things more optimistic.

EURUSD is consolidating. Overview for 11.05.2022

EURUSD has fixed within a sideways range while waiting for important news.

The Euro stumbled again. Overview for 06.05.2022

After taking a short break, EURUSD resumed its decline.

The Euro’s got a chance. Overview for 05.05.2022

EURUSD stopped falling; the asset is recovering after the US Fed’s May meeting.

The Aussie intends to rise. Overview for 04.05.2022

AUDUSD is keeping its positive momentum thanks to the Reserve Bank of Australia.

The “greenback” is extremely strong. Overview for 04.05.2022

EURUSD continues trading near its lows; market players are waiting for the US Fed’s decisions.

EURUSD remains at the lows. Overview for 29.04.2022

EURUSD reached a new bottom and is trying to reach stability.