Currency Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating what is happening on the market right now and might happen in the future on the basis of external events and factors. For the currency market, such factors are news, economic and financial statistics, meetings of global Central banks, and speeches delivered by their representatives. Fundamental approach allows to analyze both short- and long-term perspectives.


EURUSD is trying to rise. Overview for 10.08.2022

EURUSD hopes for a local improvement, but there might be surprises.

EURUSD: consolidation continues. Overview for 09.08.2022

EURUSD remains neutral while investors are saving strengths.

EURUSD is confused. Overview for 08.08.2022

EURUSD reached stability; the asset remains inside its strategic sideways channel.

The Pound is busy consolidating. Overview for 05.08.2022

GBPUSD priced in the decisions of the Bank of England, but barely moved anywhere.

The Aussie intends to rise. Overview for 04.08.2022

AUDUSD is rising after a major plunge this week.

EURUSD is trying to grow. Overview for 04.08.2022

EURUSD is recovering after plunging the day before.

JPY: under pressure. Overview for 03.08.2022

After moving away from its 8-week low, USDJPY is recovering.

USD: rise and shine again. Overview for 03.08.2022

EURUSD has plunged in the last 24 hours; the “greenback” is in demand.