Currency Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating what is happening on the market right now and might happen in the future on the basis of external events and factors. For the currency market, such factors are news, economic and financial statistics, meetings of global Central banks, and speeches delivered by their representatives. Fundamental approach allows to analyze both short- and long-term perspectives.


The Euro is in a comatose state. Overview for 19.08.2019

The major currency pair is back to its three weeks’ lows and may plummet even deeper.

The Euro stopped falling. Overview for 02.08.2019

On Friday morning, EURUSD stopped plummeting; it is ready to reach stability.

Markets decided to believe in the USD. Overview for 01.08.2019

The major currency pair is getting significantly weaker after the US Federal Reserve July meeting. The rate cut isn’t the start of a new “softening” cycle. 

The Euro is looking up. Overview for 31.07.2019

The major currency pair is pretty confident despite weak numbers from the Euro Area and anticipation of the US Federal Reserve meeting results.

The Yen is trying to rise again. Overview for 30.07.2019

USDJPY is making another attempt to fall; investors are focused on meetings of central banks.

The Yen is trying to strengthen. Overview for 29.07.2019

On the last Monday of July, USDJPY is trading downwards; investors are very cautious in anticipation of the US Federal Reserve meeting.

Euro Tried But Failed. Overview 26.07.2019

Yesterday the main currency pair was volatile, but the euro failed to secure.

Pound Stabilized, But For How Long? Overview 25.07.2019

Thursday morning, the pound/dollar pair looks stale after Johnson’s designation to the post of Prime Minister, but the situation may change.