Currency Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating what is happening on the market right now and might happen in the future on the basis of external events and factors. For the currency market, such factors are news, economic and financial statistics, meetings of global Central banks, and speeches delivered by their representatives. Fundamental approach allows to analyze both short- and long-term perspectives.


The Pound is recovering, but very slowly. Overview for 16.01.2020

GBPUSD continues recovering, but this process is quite slow.

EURUSD is overwhelmed by news. Overview for 16.01.2020

On Thursday morning, the major currency pair is intending to rise, but unsuccessfully so far.

The Yen plummeted to eight months lows. Overview for 15.01.2020

USDJPY updated its multiweek highs due to investors’ reduced interest in “safe haven” assets.

The Aussie is keeping a stiff upper lip. Overview for 14.01.2020

On Tuesday, AUDUSD is looking pretty stable; it is trading sideways despite problems in Australia.

The Pound is looking weak. Overview for 14.01.2020

On Tuesday morning, GBPUSD is consolidating after updating three weeks low yesterday.

EURUSD is keeping its positive momentum. Overview for 13.01.2020

On Monday, the major currency pair is growing as long as investors are interested in risks.

The Euro remains under pressure. Overview for 10.01.2020

On Friday, the major currency pair continues trading “in the red”, but bears aren’t as active as they used to be.

The Australian Dollar slowed down its decline. Overview for 09.01.2020

On Thursday, AUDUSD decided to pause its free fall: it is consolidating close to its two weeks lows.