Currency Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating what is happening on the market right now and might happen in the future on the basis of external events and factors. For the currency market, such factors are news, economic and financial statistics, meetings of global Central banks, and speeches delivered by their representatives. Fundamental approach allows to analyze both short- and long-term perspectives.


The Euro is sticking to its two-month lows. Overview for 28.09.2020

The situation in EURUSD hasn’t significantly changed by Monday; the Euro remains weak.

The USD is updating its two-month highs. Overview for 25.09.2020

EURUSD remains weak and may fall even lower.

The Pound is looking weak. Overview for 24.09.2020

GBPUSD is trying to correct on Thursday but the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit put too much pressure.

The USD is riding high. Overview for 24.09.2020

On Thursday, EURUSD retreated to its two-month lows and may fall even deeper.

The Australian Dollar is in thrall to bears. Overview for 23.09.2020

AUDUSD is quickly retreating and getting close to its 45-day lows.

Investors’ interest in the USD was rekindled. Overview for 22.09.2020

EURUSD fell significantly last night and still remains under pressure.

The Euro is trying to grow. Overview for 21.09.2020

Early in another September week, EURUSD is back to growing.

Euro holing for growth. Overview for 11.09.2020

EURUSD keeps growing, nailing down the success of Thursday.