RM Investment Bank Wallet

  1. What opportunities does RM Investment Bank Wallet offer?
  2. Is the Wallet available in any currency?
  3. What currencies can be used to deposit funds to my investment account using the Wallet?
  4. How can I deposit funds to my investment account if the account currency is not on the list of transit account currencies?
  5. Is it possible to deposit funds to my investment account in the currency that is on the list of the Wallet currencies using the transit account in the different currency?
  6. Why is the transit account balance different from the total balance of investment accounts in the same currency?
  7. Am I allowed to transfer funds from my Wallet of the Wallet of other client?
  8. Am I allowed to transfer funds from one of my transit accounts to the other?
  9. Where are the funds from investment accounts withdrawn to?
  10. How are the funds withdrawn?
  11. What do I do if the transit account doesn’t have enough funds for depositing the investment account?


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